Sunday, 15 March 2020


Room 6 visited Harold this week in the Life Education Bus. We learned all about being a ‘Super Friend.’ We discussed the many characteristics of friendship and how important it is to include others. Everyone got a turn to share and place a ‘Super Friend’ quality on the wall. We practiced our Super Hero poses, had a dance party, and relaxed under the stars, too!

Monday, 2 March 2020


Last week the development officer from the North Otago Cricket association came in to teach us some cricket skills. We practiced batting, catching and bowling.

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Term 1 Swimming Lessons

We have now completed our term 1 swimming lessons. I am always so impressed by how much progress the children make in these few short lessons. We had children that hated putting their head under water, now confidently retrieving objects from the bottom of the pool. The NZ curriculum specifies that all children should get the opportunity to learn basic aquatic skills.